Course Descriptions

The degree program course descriptions include topics, credit hours, and prerequisites, if needed.

Degree Program Course Descriptions

Course NumberCourse NameCourse Description
BA201 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESSThis course introduces students to principles and terminology in the field of business by providing a clear overview of how a business is organized and managed. Students will examine management functions including human resources, marketing, decision-making, finance, and ethics. This course will help the student acquire the necessary skills to succeed in building a knowledge base for a career in business. (3 credits) Prerequisites: None
BA205 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTThis course introduces students to principles and terminology in the field of business by providing a clear overview of how a business is organized and managed. Students will examine management functions including human resources, marketing, decision-making, finance, and ethics. An overview of economics and the free enterprise system will help students understand the relationship between business entities and their environments. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA210ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORWorkplaces vary substantially, not only in their products and services, but also in organizational behavior. This course addresses the sources of difference, such as communication, decision-making, culture, structure, and focuses on ways managers can influence individual and group behavior to create effective organizations. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA220 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETINGThis course introduces the fundamentals of marketing management including an analysis of buyer behavior, market segmentation, targeting, positioning, product development, distribution channels, pricing strategies, and promotional strategies. The integration of the marketing elements in a strategic planning framework will be emphasized, illustrating the implications and relevance for marketing policy decisions in competitive situations. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA235BUSINESS STATISTICSIn this course, students are provided a balanced and comprehensive overview of basis statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, bivariate data, probability, probability distributions, statistical inference, and linear regression. There will be an emphasis on generating, applying, and evaluating statistical information from real-world applications such as business, politics, and research. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MA125
BA252NEW VENTURE CREATIONThis course is an introduction to new venture creation. Students will be provided with a hands-on experience in the preparation of a professional business plan for a new venture. Emphasis will be placed on strategic and tactical objectives, as well as strategic variables critical to achieving success in a new venture. (3 credits) Prerequisites: BA280
BA271MACROECONOMICSThis course provides an overview of the modern market economy and introduces the economic concepts of national income, inflation, unemployment, and the quantity of money. The banking system, government expenditures, taxation, and monetary and fiscal policy are presented as well. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA272MICROECONOMICSThis course presents the core concepts of microeconomics including product markets, resource markets, modern microeconomic issues, and the international economy. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA271
BA280 ACCOUNTINGThe purpose of accounting is to provide financial information about the current operations and financial condition of a business to individuals, agencies, and organizations. The course will help you calculate and interpret this information, as well as evaluate the financial health of an organization. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA300INTRODUCTION TO SELLINGThis course focuses on important sales skills 鈥 such as getting appointments, making persuasive presentations, overcoming objections, and closing the sale 鈥 which can lead to large increases in sales volume. The students are given specific tools and practical exercises to build strengths, overcome critical weaknesses, and improve their sales performance. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA316 COST ACCOUNTINGThis course is a study of management accounting for internal analysis and decision-making. Students will be introduced to a business approach of utilizing accounting information in the planning and control functions of a firm. The concepts of cost behavior, cost analysis, capital budgeting, and the ethical challenges in managerial accounting will also be covered. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA280
BA356HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTThis course provides an introduction to Human Resource Management. Emphasis will be placed on the human resource management disciplines required of business professionals to ensure their organizations remain competitive in the national and global marketplace. Topics will include human resources, strategy and planning, recruiting, selection, training, evaluation, compensation, performance management, employee relations, and organizational policies. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA205
BA358PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTThis course examines the concepts, processes, and methods of managing and controlling operations in manufacturing or service settings. Current issues such as globalization, supply chain strategy, E-business, and ERP are analyzed. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA205
BA375ETHICAL DECISION-MAKINGThis course provides an introduction to the construction and evaluation of ethical arguments and forms of reasoning. Basic moral questions confronting contemporary society, as well as ethical issues in the workplace, are explored. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA410INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSThis course will explore how information systems may be used, developed, and managed to support both the tactical and strategic decisionmaking activities, as well as operations of organizations. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CS110
BA420BUSINESS LAWThis course provides a survey of the legal rights and potential liabilities of businesspersons, the development of the legal system, business crimes and liabilities, regulatory systems, consumer protection, basic contract, personal property, and cyber law. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA425FINANCEThis course gives students a strong theoretical foundation of financial theory and the financial decision-making process. The focus will be on the economic and financial structure of a firm and the impact of financial information on the company鈥檚 overall strategic plan. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA436INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSThis course covers the concepts of international organizational structures and management processes, including the cultural, political, economic, and legal environments of global marketing, world marketing patterns, and international trade theory. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA445 EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIPThis course focuses on examining what makes a leader effective in a professional environment. The course will examine the characteristics of an effective leader, including qualities, skills, and the roles and functions of a leader to lead and manage change successfully. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA205
BA448TEAM DEVELOPMENT AND MOTIVATIONThis course will give students insight into the management and motivation of employees. Areas covered in this course include selecting the right people for the job, delegating effectively, coping with challenging people, and building effective teams. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA205
BA456STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURIAL MANAGEMENTThis course gives students hands-on experience in the essential skills needed to strategically and successfully manage a growing venture. Topics covered include performing financial and marketing trend analyses, setting performance standards, creating business systems, developing customer service strategies, and building a learning organization. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA205
BA464MARKETING STRATEGYThis course focuses on marketing planning and strategic marketing analysis. Emphasis is placed on the planning process, marketing objectives, market overview, market segments, competitive landscape, strategy, products and services, pricing, distribution, promotion, and financial viability. Upon completion, students will possess a broad understanding of the components and construction of a strategic marketing plan and will gain experience in the analysis of complex marketing decisions. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA220
BA471MONEY AND BANKINGThis course examines money and banking including the financial markets, financial institutions, the money supply process, the Federal Reserve System, and the conduct of monetary policy and monetary theory. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
BA486 BUSINESS POLICYThis course focuses on how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies in a turbulent, rapidly changing environment. Students will focus on integrated decision-making in terms of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA420
BA490 PROJECT MANAGEMENTThis course will introduce you to project management. Students will learn step-by-step techniques for creating, developing, and evaluating essential project management tools. Emphasis will be placed on developing concepts and skills related to using project plans, work breakdown structures, budgets, network diagrams, resource allocations, and project evaluations. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA448
BA500 MBA FOUNDATIONSThis course provides an overview of critical management concepts across a broad spectrum of subject areas prior to progression into advance business topics. With this foundation for more specialized study, students will learn how to think in strategic terms, how to communicate as a manager, and how to conduct effective research at the Master鈥檚 level. Topics covered include the critical business functions of accounting, economics, marketing, finance, and strategy, providing students with cross-functional knowledge to inform decision-making. (3 credits) Prerequisite: Entrance in MBA
BA511MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGManagers need basic knowledge of accounting principles and practices. In this course, an emphasis is placed on managerial uses of accounting data including what kind of information is needed, where this data can be obtained, and how these figures can be used by managers as they perform their planning, controlling, and decision-making responsibilities. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
BA521 MANAGERIAL FINANCEThis course introduces the basic principles of managerial finance and demonstrates how businesses manage their funds to accomplish organizational objectives. Emphasis is placed on financial environment, financial statements, cash flow and financial planning, time value of money, risk and return, interest rates and bond valuation, stock valuation, and capital budgeting cash flows. Upon completion, students will possess a broad, conceptual understanding of how to use these financial techniques to analyze a company鈥檚 finances. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
BA526 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETSThis course examines the role that financial institutions and markets play in the dominant economies of the world. Financial institutions will be explored with emphasis on the types of institutions and how each type of institution participates in financial intermediation. The roles and interactions of financial markets, governments, businesses, and consumers will be examined with focus on regulation, market structure, interest rates, and the function of central banks and the Federal Reserve. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA521
BA531 INVESTMENT ANALYSIS & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTThis course focuses on the analysis of investment options including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, stock options, and derivatives. Capital market theory and market efficiency are examined from a financial management perspective. Students learn to evaluate investments in an international market by incorporating economic conditions, ratios, and market information. Emphasis is placed on portfolio management and diversification. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA526
BA533 RISK ANALYSIS & INSURANCEThis course focuses on analyzing and solving risk management problems in business organizations based upon the assumption that risk can be managed if risks are identified prior to a loss and that insurance is an important tool for that purpose. Utilizing managerial, consumer, and societal perspectives, topics include methodology for risk analysis, insurance principles and practices, and techniques for risk and loss control. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA531
BA538 ADVANCED NEW VENTURE CREATIONThis course prepares students to spearhead new initiatives, paying special attention to the process and activities required before a start-up can open for business. Entrepreneurship, in this context, is viewed as a long-term value creation. Accordingly, this course focuses, using real-world case studies, on critical issues in the development of a new venture: market and competitive conditions, testing critical assumptions upon which the new business concept rests, adequate planning, proper assessment of skills and resources required to create a strong competitive position, and creation of a formal business plan. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
BA539 NEW VENTURE FINANCEThis course is designed to introduce the requirements and strategies necessary for financing new ventures. Students will learn critical skills needed to assess company capital requirements, assess capital markets and the availability of different types of investment capital, and strategically analyze appropriate financing options. The financing alternatives examined include debt financing from venture banks, commercial banks, and SBICs, and equity from angels, private placements, venture capitalists, and public equity markets. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA538
BA547 MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND STYLESThis course is designed to help students develop their personal management style by the application of proven processes and skills. The areas covered include change management, setting priorities, problem solving, and decision-making. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
BA553 HEALTH CARE FINANCEThis course addresses the systems and uses of accounting and financial planning in healthcare organizations, including planning and control. Students will examine analysis of financial statements, reporting, ratios, and budgeting for healthcare organizations to make sound decisions. This course provides a conceptual and practical knowledge of healthcare finance, which includes sources of funding, revenue, cost determinants, third party payer, managed care contracts, and valuations that have an impact on the healthcare organization. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA521
BA560 DECISION ANALYSISManagers typically need to be able to make decisions based on incomplete information. This course focuses on the application of a wide variety of quantitative methods to aid in decisionmaking, including populations and samples, probabilities, expected values, decision tree analysis, resource allocation, and correlations. Each method is applied in real-world management situations, preparing students for critical decision-making in the workplace. (3 credits) Co-requisite: BA500
BA560 BUSINESS LAW AND ETHICSModern businesses function in an environment that contains many legal restraints and conditions. This course emphasizes the importance of working within the legal system while incorporating a questioning dimension into reasoning 鈥 one that involves critical thinking and the impact of values. Through the thoughtful study of legal topics and examination of a wide variety of real-world examples, students will develop advanced critical thinking skills to make informed ethical and legal decisions in the workplace. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
BA623 LEGAL AND ETHICS ISSUES IN HEALTH CAREManagers in medical offices, hospitals, clinics, or skilled nursing facilities have a professional stake in understanding the multiple legal and ethical issues they will encounter as part of their day-to-day responsibilities. This course examines the legal aspects of health services management including consumer protection, the patient/physician relationship, principles that govern patient information, professional licensure and liability, medical malpractice, and public duties of a health care professional. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MG651
BA635 ECONOMIC ANALYSISThis course examines interactions that take place within organizations, among companies, and between firms and consumers from an economic perspective. You will learn why firms behave the way they do and be introduced to tools and frameworks that will help you make better decisions in your professional and personal life. The course also provides a good foundation for understanding things such as how companies set prices and why they advertise. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
BA651 MARKETING RESEARCH AND ANALYSISMarketing research serves as a central basis for marketing strategy and firm profitability. It is critical for marketing managers to understand the nature of marketing research and to be able to specify what information to seek, how to get it, and how to utilize it in making marketing decisions. Emphasizing the manager鈥檚 perspective, this course examines marketing research in terms of needs, definition, process, analysis, and reporting. Topics include emerging trends in marketing research, ethical and global implications, and the continuing integration of new technologies. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA655
BA653 CONSUMER AND BUYER BEHAVIORCONSUMER AND BUYER BEHAVIOR. An integral part of marketing is understanding the consumer and the conscious and unconscious motivations that drive their behavior at a fundamental level. Beyond an overview of consumer behavior, this course will take a narrowed look into the factors that influence consumer perception, judgment, and actions. In knowing the factors that provoke consumers to behave in certain manners or make certain buying decisions, marketers can focus on targeting customers for acquisition and retention while gaining a better understanding of their needs and wants on a deeper, psychological level. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA655
BA655 ADVANCED MARKETING STRATEGYThis course prepares students to implement effectively the theories and concepts about sustainable marketing that seek to protect and increase the earth and human wellbeing. Students will discover strategies for making optimized decisions for a sustainable marketing plan. This course also teaches methods for exploring new, sustainable marketing opportunities for existing products or services while maintaining reasonable business profits. Prerequisites: BA521
BA657 E-MARKETINGThis course develops the student鈥檚 ability to create, execute, and evaluate Internetbased marketing campaigns. Business and social environments are rapidly converging online to create new marketing opportunities driven by digital content served through websites, social media networks, and mobile platforms. This course develops essential skills for digital marketing professionals that will optimize their effectiveness across all channels. It focuses on critical elements unique to Internet marketing including branding, audience development, competitive analysis, strategic planning, digital tools and tactics for social media networks and mobile platforms, content authoring and curation, digital communities, A/V media tools, data analytics and measurement metrics, advertising and earned traffic opportunities, and emerging customer management tools and trends. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA655
BA661INTERMEDIATE SELLINGThis course is designed to give the graduate student the concepts and skills necessary to develop an effective, technology-focused sales process and manage a professional, highperformance sales team with the objective of selling products or services to global markets, including executive level decision-makers in organizations. The topics covered include responding to requests for proposals, making formal presentations, selling in the boardroom, selling to top level executives, and selling strategies. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA655
CM101 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATIONThis course provides a basic introduction to the principles of interpersonal and group communication. Students will improve their ability to communicate in a variety of formats with an emphasis on verbal and online communication. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
CM110 DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLSThis course helps students become more aware of critical thinking and develop the skills needed to practice it well. Emphasis is placed on how to think critically about things we read, see, and hear before deciding what to believe or do. Concrete examples from students鈥 experiences and current events will help students develop the abilities to solve problems, analyze issues, and make informed decisions. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
CM220 PRESENTATION SKILLSA course designed to help students communicate more effectively through a study of the terms and concepts in the field of communication with a focus on public speaking and presentations. Several aspects of communication are examined, including interpersonal, intrapersonal, nonverbal, mass media, audience analysis, ethics and free speech, research, and visual aids. Through speech and writing assignments, students have an opportunity to develop their verbal and written communication skills. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
CM225RESEARCH METHODS IN COMMUNICATIONAn introduction to the processes of communication research, common quantitative research methodologies, and concepts of statistical literacy. Students will learn how to best select a research method to answer scholarly questions, find pertinent information about a selected topic both in primary and secondary research, and better understand and critique research they read. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM241 PUBLIC RELATIONSThis course offers an overview of basic public relations concepts and tactics used by business, government, and non-profit organizations. As a communications elective, it can begin preparing students who aspire to careers in public relations for handling public relations situations in ways that reflect appropriate professional and ethical standards. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM251 MASS COMMUNICATIONThis course surveys the history and rise of mass communications media: newspapers and magazines, radio, recordings, film, television, and digital media. This course focuses on fundamental functions and influences of mass media. The course also focuses on emerging issues and trends about mass media and society, such as the effects of global concentration of media ownership. As a course touchstone, students will develop analytical tools to effectively evaluate opposing points of view on such issues. Students who complete this course will better appreciate the impact of mass media on the world today and become more proficient observers, consumers, and practitioners of mass media by becoming media literate. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM258 CONFLICT MANAGEMENTThis course will focus on techniques and skills to manage conflict using appropriate strategies, tactics, and goal setting. Emphasis is placed on building long-term positive relationships in professional settings, theoretical and practical aspects of authority, face-saving, conflict assessment, communication, and problem solving. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM285 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIONThis course will examine cultural diversity in the U.S. using an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from research from several fields. The course will cover the impact on society and the workforce of issues such as cultural stereotyping and race, class, and sex discrimination, as well as methods of awareness and inclusion. Students are expected to engage actively in discussions, participating in a respectful and focused exchange of ideas. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
CM301 SURVEY OF COMMUNICATIONAn introductory study of human communication. Students will first consider the basic elements of communication, such as definitions and models, the function of language, nonverbal communication, listening, and intrapersonal processes. After this overview, attention will focus on social processes in interpersonal communication, small group communication, and organizational communication. Finally, public communication will be considered, including public speaking, broadcasting, and advertising. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM310 COMMUNICATION ETHICSThis course provides an introduction to the construction and evaluation of ethical arguments and forms of reasoning in the communication field. Basic moral questions confronting contemporary society, as well as ethical issues in the workplace, are explored. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM346ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONThis course will analyze the role and importance of integrated marketing communications (IMC) in enhancing brand equity in a global economy. Students will examine all aspects of an IMC program including advertising, promotions, packaging and branding, point-of-purchase communications, marketing-oriented public relations, work-of-mouth advertising and cause-oriented sponsorships. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA201
CM425 INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA WRITINGAn examination of the theory and practices of writing for print and electronic media as dictated by current techniques, styles, and formats of various media. (3 credits)Prerequisite: CM101
CM431 COMMUNICATION THEORYAn examination of classic and recently-emerged theories that explain a wide range of phenomena associated with verbal messages, nonverbal messages, interpersonal communication, group and public communication, mass communication, and intercultural communication. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM436 GROUP COMMUNICATIONA study of 鈥渉ow groups work鈥 that includes the latest research in the field on such issues as racial, ethnic, religious, generational, political, class, and gender differences. Other topics include leadership in meetings, group participation, speaking anxieties, improving listening, conflict resolution and mediation, decision-making and argumentation, and effective agendas. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM437 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATIONAn exploration of the principles of nonverbal communication and the actual and potential impact of nonverbal behaviors on communication. Students will build skills needed to become competent non-verbal communicators in today鈥檚 global community. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM456EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION TOOLSA study of oral communication skills that students will need in the workplace. Focus is placed on all four phases of the communication process 鈥 setting goals, knowing the audience, mastering skills, managing anxiety 鈥 while also covering the three communication contexts in which oral skills are necessary 鈥 interpersonal, group, and public speaking. Students will address the challenges of business communication presented by new technology, the global marketplace, and the increasing diversity of the workplace. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CM457 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONAn examination of factors and issues contributing to effective communication in an intercultural context. Through a study of the role of history and identity, cultural perceptions, values and beliefs, language and meaning, and nonverbal behaviors, students will have the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will increase their intercultural communication competence. (3 credits)
CS100 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION TOOLSA study of oral communication skills that students will need in the workplace. Focus is placed on all four phases of the communication process 鈥 setting goals, knowing the audience, mastering skills, managing anxiety 鈥 while also covering the three communication contexts in which oral skills are necessary 鈥 interpersonal, group, and public speaking. Students will address the challenges of business communication presented by new technology, the global marketplace, and the increasing diversity of the workplace. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CM101
CS110 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERSThis course introduces students to basic computer concepts, operating systems, Internet browsing, and desktop applications including Microsoft Office. Through hands-on application, students will learn basic skills in using the operating system, Internet browser, and desktop applications. They will also learn how desktop applications including word processing and spreadsheet programs can be used for personal computing efficiencies. (3 credits)
CS277 INTRO TO PROGRAMMING IN PYTHONA comprehensive course in object-oriented programming development, including how to leverage object-oriented programming techniques to build modern systems. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CS100
CS301INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERSThis course introduces students to basic computer concepts, operating systems, Internet browsing, and desktop applications including Microsoft Office. Through hands-on application, students will learn basic skills in using the operating system, Internet browser, and desktop applications. They will also learn how desktop applications including word processing and spreadsheet programs can be used for personal computing efficiencies. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
CS382 DATABASE FOUNDATIONSStudents will learn comprehensive database management skills that cover both SQL and NoSQL database systems. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CS100
CS384 PYTHON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTThe student will develop further knowledge in advanced object-oriented programming. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CS277
CS497 ADVANCED WEB DEVELOPMENTREACT. Students will learn how to build multiple applications that communicate with each other via API data calls with a micro-service-based application. (3 credits) Prerequisite: CS277
EN111 COMPOSITION IThis course introduces students to the basics of good writing and leads them through the process of planning, developing, and revising a short essay. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to create a properly punctuated, short essay that consists of correct sentences and focused paragraphs and demonstrates knowledge and planning and revision strategies. (3 credits). Prerequisite: None
EN112 COMPOSITION IIThis course introduces students to academic, research-based writing, including a review of the recursive writing process, the collection and use of research, and different modes of presentation. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to create a properly-formatted, persuasive research project including planning documents, a short essay, and a presentation. Emphasis is given to academic research and presentation. (3 credits) Prerequisite: EN111
EN115 TECHNICAL WRITING FOR BUSINESSThis course will cover the construction and use of executive summaries; scientific papers for publication; summaries and abstracts; memos and emails; structure and phrasing of reports; effective letter writing; instructions and procedures. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
EN221 AMERICAN LITERATURE IThis course will introduce students to the various types of writing that occurred in American society through the middle of the nineteenth century from Colonization to American Romanticism. Along with exploring different styles of writing, the course will provide a backdrop of American history to show the motivation of the writers during the time periods in which they wrote. Throughout the course, students will also be introduced to different literary styles. By reading various texts and writing strategies, students will understand how non-fiction, fiction, and poetic works helped to mold American society and how these texts were perceived by others. (3 credits) Prerequisite: EN112
GS150 GENERAL BIOLOGYThis course introduces the basic principles of biology and demonstrates how relevant science is to everyday life. General biology focuses on the theoretical foundations that form our understanding of the living world. Upon completion, students will possess a broad, conceptual understanding of living organisms from the building blocks of cells to ecosystems. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
GS210EARTH SCIENCEThis course is an overview of planet Earth and the materials and processes which extend from Earth鈥檚 core to the outer reaches of the solar system. This course touches on a diverse group of sciences, introducing underlying principles from geology, oceanography, and meteorology. Small components of astronomy and the biosphere are also studied. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
HI171WORLD CIVILIZATION IWorld Civilization I is a chronological survey of the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, and cultural aspects of World humanity from the earliest cultures to 1789. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
HI172 WORLD CIVILIZATION IIThis course is a chronological survey of the most important events, individuals, and ideas in the history of World civilization since the Renaissance period to contemporary times. Emphasis will be placed on the rise of monarchy, individualism and capitalism, industrial revolution, political revolutions, and recent world developments. (3 credits) Prerequisite: HI171
IS500 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGNThis course provides an introduction to the field of systems analysis and design. Students will focus on using the appropriate logical and design processes to develop business information systems. Specific topics include determining business requirements, documenting organizational processes, analyzing information flows, and reengineering and designing information systems. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
IS501 NETWORKING AND DATA COMMUNICATIONThis course will introduce concepts that help the student achieve an in-depth understanding of the often-complex topic of data communications and computer networks by balancing the more technical aspects and the everyday practical aspects. Among the topics are full coverage of wireless technologies, industry convergence, compression techniques, network security, LAN technologies, VoIP, and expanded coverage of error detection and corrections. (3 credits) Prerequisite: IS500
IS502 DATABASE MANAGEMENTThis course introduces students to database concepts. Through handson application, students will learn basic skills in creating and using a database. They will also learn why a database is necessary in day-to-day business functions. (3 credits) Prerequisite: IS500
IS503 COMPUTER AND NETWORKING SECURITYThis course provides an introduction to the field of computer security principles and network security. Specific topics to be examined include computer security threats and attacks, vulnerabilities in the password authentication system, file system, virtual memory system, threats and vulnerabilities to network architecture and protocols, Botnets, email security, IP security, web security, and network security management techniques such as firewalls and IDS. (3 credits) Prerequisite: IS500
MA125 COLLEGE ALGEBRAThis course examines fundamental algebraic concepts. These concepts include linear equations, inequalities, polynomial, rational, radical functions, solving quadratic equations, and quadratic functions, as well as exponential and logarithmic functions. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
MG505 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENTThis course explores the strategic choices multinational executives face as they form, implement, test, and adopt a strategy to compete around the world. Students will look at the organizational structure to compete in a global workforce. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
MG631 THE GLOBAL ECONOMYIn a study of the financial operations of multinational corporations and financial institutions, students will focus on macroeconomic variables, models of policy effects over time, foreign exchange markets, and trade balances. Topics include Gross Domestic Product, foreign exchange risk, rates of return analysis, Purchasing Power Parity, interest rate determination, and policies affecting fixed and floating exchange rates in the unique context of multinational finance. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
MG636CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENTThe hyper-competitive global arena of the 21st century mandates that managers develop the skills necessary to design and implement global strategies, to conduct effective cross-national interactions, and to manage daily operations in foreign subsidiaries. Through extensive case study, students learn how the variable of culture interacts with other national and international factors to affect managerial processes and behaviors. Cross-cultural management and competitive strategy are evaluated in the context of global changes 鈥 the European Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the liberalization of Eastern Europe, and the evolving marketplace of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which require new management applications. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MG641
MG637 HUMAN RESOURCES FOR MANAGERSThis course will provide students the opportunity to gain an understanding of what constitutes effective global human resource management and how human resource issues can be managed within the international context. Students will understand key theories in human resource management and an in-depth knowledge and understanding of real-life international human resource issues, best practices, and skills needed to operate across national borders. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
MG641 LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORDynamic environments need leaders who challenge themselves to discover and test new ways to be effective. This course examines a variety of methods to manage and lead people in complex organizations and design workplaces that elicit high performance from individuals, teams, and organizations. (3 credits) Co-requisite: BA500
MG647 MANAGING THE GLOBAL WORKFORCEGlobal leaders must be able to effectively acquire, develop, compensate, and motivate employees in order to maximize organizational effectiveness. In this course, through the investigation of case studies and supplemental readings, students will learn about the human resources elements which contribute to business success as well as the methods for developing a plan for maximizing the human capital of an organization. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MG631
MG651 HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENTThis course addresses the management of organizations that deliver health care services such as hospitals, nursing homes, multi-specialty clinics, and home health care agencies. Students will examine principles of effective management including organizational design, motivation, leadership, conflict management, teamwork, and strategic alliances. Management issues that distinguish health services organizations from other types of organizations will be identified and strategies for dealing with these issues will be evaluated. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA500
MG656 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTThis course presents techniques and methods for managing operations in services and manufacturing. Current topics such as supply chain management, the balanced scorecard, and yield management are examined using a real-world perspective and a contemporary approach. This course stresses teamwork, quality, and customer service. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA521
MG671 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTThis course introduces students to the strategic management process. Through analysis and real-life problem solving, students integrate management, finance, accounting, marketing, economics, production, and decision-making concepts in order to understand an organization鈥檚 many moving parts. Students will gain insight into the daunting task of managing an organization and its complex components. (3 credits) Prerequisites: BA655
MG672 SALES MANAGEMENTThis course is designed to teach students a series of key concepts, methods, techniques, and skills that, when used by the sales manager, can produce highly effective and successful sales. These tactics are applicable to a wide variety of management and sales management roles. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MG641
MG673 ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGYThis course focuses on the creation of strategic growth as a catalyst for a small company鈥檚 transition to being a key competitor in an industry segment. Using a diverse selection of case studies, students explore the strategic management process as it relates to building the entrepreneurial firm. (3 credits) Prerequisite: BA560
NS101 NEW STUDENT ORIENTATIONThis course is designed to help you be a successful student at New Charter University. Please take this course and learn all about useful resources and how to navigate the site. You鈥檒l also learn important rules and processes. (1 credit) Prerequisite: None
PF101 ACADEMIC STRATEGIESIn this course, students develop skills and plans that will help them succeed throughout their academic programs and beyond. This includes how to set and reach goals, manage physical health and stress, build and maintain strong support systems, stay organized, practice effective reading and writing strategies, and prepare for exams. Students conclude by examining the causes of stress and the practical coping skills used by the most effective learners. (2 credits) Prerequisite: None
PF499 CAREER STRATEGIESToday鈥檚 employees must practice a career development strategy of lifelong learning in order to weather many rapid changes in the workforce. In this course, students will launch their lifelong career development strategy by critically examining their personal and professional identities. Students will analyze the current job market with a personalized, professional outlook, and create a portfolio of their personal history and future career plan relevant to the current job market. Furthermore, they will learn successful techniques to interview, negotiate, and pursue advancement. (3 credits) Prerequisite: End of Program
PY141 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThis course introduces students to the principle areas, problems, and concepts of psychology: perception, thinking, motivation, personality, social behavior, and research methods. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None
SO241 GENERAL SOCIOLOGYThis course provides a broad introduction to sociology. Emphasis is placed on the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human societies. Analysis of major socialinstitutions in relation to society as a whole and the causes and effects of social change are also included. (3 credits) Prerequisite: None